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Astronomy Club to meet Dec. 5 at Maturango Museum

 China Lake Astronomical Society Roger Brower– The next meeting of the Astronomical Society will be held on December 5th at the Maturango Museum at 7:30 PM.  

Star parties:

 There will no more Star Parties until March 2023.


 1. Saturn is visible in the south-southwest after sunset but will only be visible until 10PM on December 1 and 8PM on December 31 after it sets.

 2. Jupiter will be visible in the south after sunset and be visible until it sets in the west after midnight.

3. Mars reaches opposition on December 8th so is visible all night from when it rises in the east at sundown until it sets in the west at sunset.

4. Mercury and Venus both move to the western evening sky this month but start the month very close to the sun. Mercury remains low and hard to see but remains in the sky until the end of the month when it fades back into the sun. Venus slowly rises higher and is visible all month,

 5. The annual Geminid meteor shower peaks on the 14th  but will be hard to see as the Gibbous moon interferes with it.

 6. The annual Ursids which peaks with the new moon on the 23rd.


 Please visit us at our website

 For more information, contact the China Lake Astronomical Society at 760-446-0454 or 760-384-8666.