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CLOTA opens “The Haunted Museum” Oct. 27

The Community Light Opera and Theater Association (CLOTA)Daniel Stallings–   CLOTA opens their 18th annual Spookhouse as “The Haunted Museum” on October 27, 28, 29, and Halloween night. The legend goes that CLOTA has collected a few items from a variety of shows and past Spookhouses, but be warned, over the years they’ve started to develop a…personality of their own. They suspect it started many years ago when Owens Lake dried up and the north winds released an unknown entity. This apparition traveled on the wind and landed at our Center Stage. The items welcome you, but we caution you to be wary of the more…sinister personalities. It may prove to be a more intense exhibit than the museum first thought it was. “The Haunted Museum,” the 18th Annual Spookhouse, is October 27, 28, 29, and Halloween night from 6 to 10 p.m. at CLOTA Center Stage (1425 N. Inyo St.). Admission price is $5 for ages 12 and up, $3 for kids ages 5 to 11, and free for kids under 5. Can you brave the maze this time around?