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DCO ‘Bring the community together with music’

Desert Community Orchestra Clint Freeman—Clint and Joanne Freeman have just returned from the Association of California Symphony Orchestras conference. The three-day symposium, held July 24th to 26th in San Francisco, focused on seminars and roundtable discussions on how to lead and organize symphony orchestras more effectively.

“Our mission with our local Desert Community Orchestra,” remarks Clint, “is to promote music to the community, promote opportunities for musicians, and promote scholarships for upcoming music students. The conference gave us incredible insight into how we can take the DCO to the next level.”

One of the seminars led by Aubrey Bergauer, former CEO of the California Symphony Orchestra, gave listeners strategies for art organizations to increase audiences, remain relevant to the community they serve, and multiply donations without losing the art. She stated that it is very important to “Bring the community together with music.”

Ridgecrest has been supporting the Desert Community Orchestra since 1966. The group performs four concerts a year. The Peter Pinto Scholarship Fund provides needed monies to budding students on their way to higher education. The Young Artists Concert Program features young student players who audition and are featured with the orchestra live in concert.

“One of the most satisfying roles a leader can take on is to joyfully raise funds for our organization,” comments Joanne. “We have a healthy number of local businesses who cheerfully support DCO. Pizza Factory, Beansters, Desert Valleys Federal Credit Union, Edward Jones Vincent Avalos, RidgecrestCaHomes, Bernie’s Landscaping,  Staffords, Cosner-Neipp, The Daily Independent, Jong-Gill Ahn DDS, The News Review, TJ Frisbee, and State Farm Gary Charlon.

“We are also thankful for a number of smaller private donors, and we just don’t have the space here to mention all of them.

“DCO is out to be an ambassador in the community. We strive to present a live music experience you’ll be proud of.  We thank everyone for your support in attending.”

DCO starts its fall season with its Pops Concert at Cerro Coso Community College on Saturday, September 21. The outdoor concert will feature Mark Hatter as conductor. More detailed information is forthcoming.

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