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RAAR objects to direction Groundwater Authority is going

To the Honorable Judge Claster,

On behalf of The Ridgecrest Area Association of Realtors, the IWV Economic Development Corporation and the Ridgecrest Chamber of Commerce, we are writing to you on behalf of the citizens of the community of the Indian Wells Valley (Ridgecrest, Inyokern areas) regarding the decisions of the IWV Groundwater Authority (GA) Board.  Let’s get right to the point, many of the citizens and business owners do not want to go in the direction that the Groundwater Authority Board continues to vote in favor of, long distance water importation.  The direction they are choosing is to build a 50-mile-long pipeline up from California City.

Your Honor, the Groundwater Authority Board are not elected by the voters, we feel the GA has dismissed suggestions and concerns put forth by the residents of the Indian Wells Valley. We have opposed this inefficient and cost prohibitive plan since its  inception.  The homeowners and businesses will be the ones paying for the cost of this unsustainable expense for generations and we feel we deserve a voice.   Based on the recent Cost Analysis that the Indian Wells Valley Water District had prepared by a  3rd party, Clean Energy Capital, the costs are clearly exorbitant.  According to the study direct costs are estimated at $307million.  Annual Cost to rate payers per the study is estimated at $32 million per year.

The Groundwater Authority Board has seemingly taken the most expedient and costly approach to meeting the requirements of the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act as opposed to more comprehensive due diligence of evaluating all of the potential  options for a long-term cost effective and efficient solution.  For example, desalinization of brackish water of which there is an abundance in the high desert region.  If importation is to be pursued there may be more cost effective approaches.  For example, Los Angeles (LA) aqueduct flows right through our valley.  LA Department Water and Power (DWP) often dumps excess water flowing through the aqueduct on to our valley floor allowing it to evaporate.

The GA has not attempted to discuss with LADWP the opportunity for them to store their excess water in our aquifer.  In return we could secure a smaller percentage of that water for our citizens.  The GA refuses to listen to these alternatives, dismissing  them without study.  It clearly has its mind made up that a long pipeline importing distant water is the only alternative they are interested in pursuing.  While we acknowledge that all the alternatives come at a cost, it is our hope that the plan implemented is  sustainable in the future for the rate payers and community.

The Indian Wells Valley population is approximately 34,000 people. To break that down we have about 11,000 Water District rate payers. Based on the Cost Analysis, the importation plan will result in an average increase to each rate payer will be approximately $3000.00 per year.

The GA’s importation plan will have a significant negative impact on our local economy. It will increase the pressure on our fixed income citizens, curb growth, and it could affect the mission of our major employer, the US Navy. As we stated earlier, there are alternative options available. The Association of Realtors has been on the record against this since the inception of the Groundwater Authority. We oppose the fees that are expected to be paid by property owners, farming businesses and others.

We feel it is important that you are aware that our voices are not being listened to by the Groundwater Authority Board, an appointed Board. We feel it is important that you know there is widespread lack of support for the GA’s water importation plan and that there are unstudied alternatives that may have better merit.

Thank you for your attention on this very important matter.

Sara Rizzardini, President

Ridgecrest Area Association of Realtors

Scott O’Neil, President

IWV Economic Development Corporation

Debbie Benson, Chairwoman

Ridgecrest Chamber of Commerce