Master Mystery Productions Daniel Stallings– Master Mystery Productions, based out of Ridgecrest, CA, in partnership with Goodent is bringing live theatre to Lone Pine at the newly refurbished Forum Theater with a production of the original interactive mystery play “Tête-à-Tête,” written and directed by MMP Founder and Artistic Director Daniel Stallings.
Set on the Left Bank of the Seine in Paris 1925, the play whisks us away to the world of the bohemian artists. Yves Dufort (played by seven-time Diamond Mask Award winner Calvin Johnson) and Salome Auclair (played by four-time Diamond Mask winner Olivia Holm) have landed a huge commission with the wealthy heiress and art critic, Genevieve Welbourne, which could set them up for life. That is…if Genevieve’s life hadn’t been taken from her that same night. But what does her murder have to do with a murdered waiter at their favorite café? At the sidewalk café, Yves and Salome enjoy a little tête-à-tête to unpack the many secret lives, loves, and loathing of their ex-patron to try and hopefully salvage what they can of their big break. But as they recreate the tumultuous lives of the suspects, they’ll discover danger may be much closer than they realized.
Starring Calvin Johnson, Olivia Holm, Janis Kunz, Cat Kreidt, Leslie Blake, Valerie Kramer, Ed Kramer, Nicole Johnson, Heather McGaha, Libby Mitchell, and Allison Mitchell, “Tête-à-Tête” is a magical, dramatic look into the art scene of Paris and a tricky mystery inspired by the works of Agatha Christie with the audience getting a chance to guess whodunit, how, and why. The show performs Saturdays, October 29, November 5, November 12, and November 19, 2022, at 7:30 p.m. at the Forum Theater in Lone Pine, CA (141 N. Jackson St.). Doors open 7 p.m. Tickets are $20 each and are sold on Join us on the banks of the Seine for one of our most artistic mysteries yet.